Tuesday, August 9, 2016

7 Impressive Ways To Electrify Your SEO Before A Site Launch

Launching a new website can be a scary, pulse-raising, time-consuming task if the process is not well-organized. There are many aspects to ensure a unique user experience from coding, responsive site design, content to testing. While you are busy slicing and dicing the content writing, the navigational decisions, multiple wireframe changes for your future gorgeous website, you eventually discover you’re somewhere closer to make your site live.

Voilà! Your business is ready to go online.. Wait… Have you created an SEO environment for your newly developed site? No…. Do you think that SEO is possible once you go live?

Actually….. No!

It’s critical but more effective if you start pre-launch SEO to jump-up in the rankings and drive a good index for your site. In fact, there are many tasks to accomplish to ensure a smooth transition and continue to blossom on the top of the SERP when you go live. If you do not acquire enough practical knowledge about SEO, you can hire a professional who ensures quality SEO services for your business. I’ve compiled a list of these housekeeping SEO tasks and how to implement each of them before or during your website launch.

7 Impressive Ways To Electrify Your SEO Before A Site Launch

Announce your site to persuade visitors with an optimized Landing page:

It is the first thing on your to-do list. Create a powerful and optimized ‘Coming Soon’ page as you contemplate a new site. Let’s find out the importance of a ‘Coming Soon’ page:

  1. Older Sites get more authority by the Search Engines: It takes a good time to get noticed by search engines. Don’t wait for the launch, start getting ranked by the search engines with your ‘coming soon’ page. Actually, Robots are least concerned with the ‘coming soon’ message on a page, they just care about the keywords, content and the user experience.
  1. This page can help you capture leads: Build up a strong call to action by displaying an integrated lead form and encourage visitors to fill up for the launch notifications. Then nurture these leads till you get the site done.
  1. Your coming soon page helps building your brand: Use high-quality images, rich and descriptive content to highlight the features your site is going to offer.
  1. Add Press Releases on this page and let the media contact you:Include an attractive, colorful and easy to use media kit on your coming soon page that displays the following:
  • Complete contact information.
  • Your company’s mission and vision.
  • Logos that media can download and use.
  • A brief summary of media coverage.
  • FAQ section.

Regularly update this information to let the Search Engines mark fresh content on your site. Make sure to have this kit on standard web pages in order to link them and get ranked.

  1. Encourage Social Sharing with this page : It’s an easy way to Integrate social media sharing buttons before launch. It will give you permission to contact visitors post-launch and create buzz for your biz.

Reserve a healthy content to drive more traffic:

You’ll require an optimized and actionable content to drive more and more traffic to your site. It is because you need to feed rich and informative content to the web crawlers that will visit your site and start indexing the right way from the day one.

Additionally, when you do press releases, maybe you attract some useful links. It is a brilliant idea to commence with a blog pre-launch as it allows to make launch announcements, add regular and fresh content, build up buzz and some SEO authority.

Each Page of your site should be optimized:

Your site will have multiple pages. Make sure all the pages are focused and useful. Include high-authority, descriptive content that your target customers will benefit on each page.

Generally, your site will not rank for large terms. So, Use your keyword database and remember to use keywords on each page and in page titles. This will work magic visibility for your business. Make sure you’ve created a rocking, optimized page for all the possible aspects of the business before the website launch.

Register with the core sites and niche directories:

Some of the core sites include Google+, Yelp, Best of the Web, Bing Places etc. But are not limited. You can also use a popular service called ‘KnowEm’ to do that more quickly.

Besides, list up your site to a well-known and a worth-while directory in the area of your business. By getting your site listed, you’ll have the authority to transfer your ‘coming soon’ page to the rest of the web pages when your site goes live. Be sure you are aware that directory is a real powerhouse to electrify in your field before paying.

Build Links to your website through Guest Blogging:

This is indeed a fast and powerful way to drive traffic to your site and generate leads to your inbox. Make sure you don’t end up guest-blogging into spammy self-promotion. Share some of your quality content to the audiences of the sites you admire. It will allow you build your credibility and eventually become a persuader.

Check out your business niche and discover the sites to find out which type of guest posts they’d wish to see. You can also explore the keywords and phrases you want to get associated to look at where the folks read and write about those topics.

SEO Checklist:

Although there are plenty of things to do prior to launch, I’ve not covered every aspect under this umbrella. Hence, I’ve build up a short SEO checklist:

  • Check your Robots.txt file
  • Create an XML Sitemap
  • Optimize Page content and images
  • Add Page titles and meta description
  • Install Google Analytics code
  • Place up your page redirects
  • Submit your site to Search Engines
  • URL Canonicalization
  • Optimize the Page Speed
  • Create youtube videos if relevant
  • Build newsletters and send out updates

Post-Launch Step – Measuring and Tracking Success of your SEO strategy:

This is the crucial time to your success. Use metrics to monitor-well your results immediately following your website launch. This includes assessing the results, manage and analyze traffic and tweaking your strategies. Remember, be prompt and stay ahead of time and keep an eye on the red flags like these:

  • Losses in keyword ranking
  • Unusual gaps in traffic and general trends
  • Spikes of 404s which signal crawling errors
  • Pages with slow loading speed that may get missed in the indexing process

Some Practical Wisdom:

Launching a site is a real hustle, so make sure to build a perfect Launch Strategy.

You want to stand apart and do it the right way? You need an optimized site. If you don’t acquire much knowledge about the online world, make sure you coordinate with someone experienced to plan out a great pre-launch strategy.


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Disclosure: In full disclosure, it is safe to assume that the site owner is benefiting financially or otherwise from everything you click on, read, or look at while on my website. This is not to say that is the case with all content, as all publications on the site are original and written to provide value and references to our audience.



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